Mascat is famous for its large and magnificient Grand Mosque built by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos. The idea was most probably to design a mosque that would show what paradise is going to look like. We had to admit that the result was more than satisfactory. He managed to build this monumental building in only 6 years time which is hard to believe.
V mešitě je ručně tkaný koberec ohromných rozměrů (byl tkán přímo na místě) a svého času to byl největší koberec na světě. Dnes už to není pravda. Větší tkaný koberec se v současnosti nachází v Dubaji.
Inside the Mosque you can admire a hand woven carpet (made directly on the spot) which used to be the largest carpet in the world. Unfortunately it is not true any longer, these days there is a bigger one in Dubai.
Když se rozhlédnete po mešitě, nevíte kam se dřív podívat. Ty nádherné lustry! No popsat to skutečně nelze, to se musí zažít.
When you look around the Mosque you can't decide where to look first. What beautiful chandeliers. It's very hard to describe the experience in words, one has to go and actually see it!
Do mešity se smí vstoupit samozřejmě jen v přiměřeném zahalení, což u mužů musí být dlouhé kalhoty, košile je samozřejmá. Ženy musí mít zahalená ramena, vlasy, kotníky u nohou. Já a moje kamarádka jsme na to byly připravené a vybavené, jenže ty druhé dvě nikoliv.
The Mosque can be obviously entered only in moderate clothes, which for men means long trousers and a shirt with long sleeves. Women have to cover their head and shoulders wearing long sleeves and trousers or a skirt. Me and my friend were well aware of that, the other two were not....
Snad ještě malá zmínka o okolních krásných a rozlehlých zahradách, kterým se při údržbě a úpravě věnuje snad několik set Bangladéšanů.
While we were getting ready with the help of the lady guides, our friends had to rent a dress which made them look truly local. As this was something we really did not expect we couldn't help laughing when we saw them. After an hour in about 30 degrees they were more than happy to change into their normal clothes and let the skin breathe again. Nevertheless, the pictures are great we think, so it was worh it!
We mustn't forget to mention the stupendous gardens that are beeing looked after by hundreds of gardeners from Banghladesh.
Posléze jsme se odebraly na tržiště, prošly uličkami starého Maskatu a dál po pobřeží moře až k přístavu Mutrah.
After that we went to the souq, through the narrow streets of the old town and along the sea shore to the Mutrah port.
Maskat: Tržnice Mutrah Souq Mascat: the Mutrah Souq |
Maskat: Princezna Mascat: Princess |
Maskat: Palác sultána Kábuse Mascat: Palace of Sultan Qaboos |
Near the palace we came accross a very friendly taxi driver called Badar who looked after us, showed us the view of the city of Mascat and finally took us for dinner. It was really nice, we had a chance to enjoy the Omani quisine and to talk about what life is like in this country.
Maskat: S Badarem Mascat: with Badar |
No a něco k jejich nápojům. Pije se hlavně laban, něco jako slané podmáslí a nebo jiné nápoje, které jsou na bázi jogurtu s kardamonem a oříšky. Je to vynikající a osvěžující a nemusíte se bát nějakých následků, protože naše zažívání si s touto stravou umí poradit.
Omani quisine is delicious. It usually contains rice with chicken, lamb of fish meat. What makes it special are not only the various marinades but also the typical spices. With your meal you can drink Laban which is a yoghurty kind of drink with cardamom and nuts. It's very tasty and refreshing and you don't have to worry about any 'side effects' (digestion problems), our stomaches managed to cope really well.
Vyhlídka na Maskat The view of Mascat |
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