Getting to Oman from the Czech Republic by plane is not difficult (via Dubai), but the flight ticket is quite expensive. That's why we decided to save some money by getting to Mascat from Dubai by bus. What you can see in the picture is us at the Dubai airport.
Jsme usměvavé a natěšené na vše, co nás potká. Z Prahy jsme odletěly v pohodě, odbavení proběhlo v klidu a nakonec i 6-ti hodinová cesta byla klidná. Byly jsme velmi překvapené, protože během letu nám letušky přinesly báječné občerstvení, podávané s úsměvem. U jiných leteckých společností podají cestujícím jen ten úsměv. Ještě teď se mi sbíhají sliny, když si na tu bohatost a různorodost v malých mističkách vzpomenu, o kávě ani nemluvě, prostě žůžo.
We were happy and excited about everything that was going to come up. The flight from Prague was pleasant and the 6 hour journey finished before we knew it. We were quite surprised by the quality of the food and refreshment served with a smile on the flight attendats' face (Czech airlines). With some other companies you often only get the smile. It tasted as good as it looked.
Čekání na pořadí taxíku trvalo skoro 3/4 hodiny, což nebylo vůbec příjemné, ale nepředbíhalo se!! To si nikdo nedovolil. Queuing for a taxi lasted about 45 minutes which wasn't pleasant but everything was well organised and nobody would have dared to skip the line.
The taxi took us to the hotel near the city centre where we spent one night and then we continued to our dream destination - Oman. We only needed to find out where the bus stop was and the departure time.
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Dubaj: Náš hotel v Dubaji - hodně levný (500 Kč na noc a osobu) a podle toho to vypadalo, ale na přespání to bohatě stačilo. Hlavně že autobusová zastávka byla blízko.
Dubai: Our hotel in Dubai - very cheap (18 USD per night/person) and the quality corresponded to that but it was just for one night and most importantly - the bus stop was nearby.
Dubai: Our hotel in Dubai - very cheap (18 USD per night/person) and the quality corresponded to that but it was just for one night and most importantly - the bus stop was nearby.
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Omán: Na hranici - jediná zachráněná fotka..... Oman: At the border - the only saved photo... |
V Maskatu jsme dorazily do hotelu taxíkem a díky kouzelnému prostředí apartmánu jsme zapomněly na únavu a chvilky úzkosti při cestování.
In Mascat we got to the hotel by taxi and thanks to the comfortable appartment we managed to forget about the tiredness from the 6 hour journey.
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Maskat: Hotel v Maskatu
K dispozici jsme měly obývací pokoj, dvě ložnice, dvě koupelny, velkou kuchyň a hlavně vše zářilo čistotou a útulností.To se prostě musí vidět.
In the appartment we had a living room, two bedrooms, to bathrooms and a kitchen at our disposal. Everything was spotless clean and comfortable.
Opposite the hotel accross the street there was an Indian restaurant and because we were starving, our first stop was there.
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Maskat: Zvědavec Mascat: A little curious guy |
Bylo nám snad i jedno, co budeme jíst(samozřejmě si každá dala něco jiného a vzájemně jsme si jídla ochutnávaly,) jen jsme chtěly vědět, zda budou jídla nepálivá. Jenže jejich ujištění, že nic nepálí, bylo silně relativní.
Ale bylo to dobré, snad i díky velkému hladu žaludek neprotestoval.
A už jsme se těšily na procházku po pláži podél moře, což nás velmi nadchlo. Zde jsme navázaly lehce kontakt s ománskými rodinami a vzájemně se fotili. A jejich okaté dětičky byly obzvláště dychtivé. Byli milí ale přesto se na nás dívali jako na zjevení (turisté tam nejsou až tak běžní).
We didn' have any special wishes for what we wanted to eat (eventually we ended up each of us having different meals that we shared), we only wanted to make sure it was not going to be too hot and spicy. Although we were ensured that everything we were having was mild, it actually meant 'Indian mild', which is in fact 'your mouth is on fire'. But it was delicious and we really enjoyed it.
We were looking forward to the walk along the beach which was really lovely. We met and talked to a couple of Omani families and we took pictures of each other, the kids with their beautiful big eyes were especially eager. They were really nice but we could feel we were something special for them as tourists are still not that common there.
Maskat: Občas se vyskytl stydlín Mascat: A shy one |
We finished our afternoon siesta with a cup of coffee. On our way back to the hotel we could see the amazing Opera House.
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Maskat: Budova opery, kterou jsme měly možnost první den také obdivovat Mascat: The Opera building that we had a chance to admire on the first day |
Krásná a majestátně vypadající opera v Maskatu byla postavená jeho veličenstvem v r. 2011. Tato slavná hudební síň hostila i českou filharmonii s repertoárem Rusalky od A. Dvořáka.
V celé zemi je přísný zákaz prodeje i konzumace jakéhokoliv alkoholu. Tento zákaz platí i v této budově, takže hudebníci se musí občerstvit jiným nápojem, rovněž tak diváci.A že toto nařízení je striktně dodržováno je nesporným faktem.Velmi unavené z těch mnoha dojmů i prostředí jsme se vrátily do hotelu a usnuly spravedlivým spánkem zmoženého turisty.
The beautiful and breathtaking Opera House in Mascat was built by His majesty in 2011. The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra performed there as well the Dvořák's opera Rusalka. In the whole country a sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks is strictly forbidden which also applies to this building, so the musicians' refreshment was definitely not beer as it is usually the case.
So after this day full of experiences we got back to our hotel and literally dropped dead.
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